When it comes to purchasing a genuine Amber Teething Necklace, it‘s best to rely on the experts. In Lithuania, we know Baltic Amber best because it has been in our country, and in our family history for centuries. And we understand the power of natural Amber as an unmatched source of homeopathic healing and a scientific treasure.
Today, more than ever before, natural Baltic Amber is gaining worldwide recognition for the ability to relieve pain in adults as well as children. Amber Teething Necklaces are become very popular not only for their natural beauty but because of what they are able to provide for healing and promoting continued good health. So if you want only the real natural Baltic Amber Jewelry, we suggest you follow these steps to ensure your purchase is genuine.
*Real Baltic Amber is over 45 million years old. If you are shopping from a reliable vendor, one you can trust, you will not be purchasing Copal or any other Amber Imitation product that has no value whatsoever.
*Genuine Baltic Amber comes from the Baltic Region and contains the highest concentrations of Succinic Acid found in nature. Succinic Acid, a natural substance found in plant and animal tissues, is also the found in the human body and is the dominant provider of our immunity to disease and poor health.
*Baltic Amber is becoming exceedingly rare and truly priceless as it can never be recreated. If the shop or online store you‘re visiting offers big discounts or big sale pricing, chances are their Amber Jewelry Is Fake.
*Raw or Polished Baltic Amber? In other words, if you want to purchase natural Baltic Amber purely for healing, Raw Amber has the highest concenration of succinic acid. If you‘re interested in natural Baltic Amber for its exceptional beauty - and for natural healing - you can choose Amber Necklaces and Amber Bracelets that have been - polished to a luster that reveals the beauty within. Both forms of natural Baltic Amber have healing ability.
*Look for Amber Teething Necklace made of softly rounded amber beads so that they lay comfortably against the child’s skin. This ensures maximum skin contact and comfort.
*Amber Teething Necklaces must have a safety knots in between each and every bead to prevent breaking. Should the necklace experience extreme pressure or force, the string will break but the Amber beads will not be disconnected from the necklace except at the exact point of the break. However, the effects of Real Amber are the most important issue here… don't be tempted to skimp on quality!
*Most important parents must always remember that Amber Teething Necklaces are made to wear against your child’s skin but never to go in child’s mouth. Amber Teething Necklace should be removed when child is sleeping or unattended! Please read more about Amber Teething Necklace Safety.
If you follow these steps, you can be sure that your investment in natural Baltic Amber will be your first step toward the experience of a lifetime in your own personal encounter with this timeless treasure of Lithuania.
Amber Artisans
E-mail svajunas@amberartisan.com
Please Note: Amber Artisans does not dispense medical advice.